
Our early childhood programme is often a child’s first introduction to “formal education”. Therefore, they are the foundation upon which attitudes towards all subsequent education are built. We believe that within the mind of every child lies inate abilities. Finding the keys to unleashing these abilities is one of our fundamental goals.

It is thus imperative to provide a programme which fosters a sense of enthusiasm towards learning, as well as one which facilitates the development of each individual to his/her fullest potential. Because each child is unique, we recognize that they can learn at their own pace and in their own way. Every child’s style of learning is identified through close observation, attention to the chiild’s needs, and most importantly, individual time with the teacher. With supportive guidance, the children are encouraged to experiment, explore, create and solve problems as they play. All activities are designed to intrigue and excite the early learners and allow them to question, investigate and reach conclusions.

The early learning curriculum involve mathematics, reading, written and oral expression and environmental studies. It also include activities that develop social, physical and creative skill. The classroom environment is positive and stimulating, and whether the children are learning to count, read, or paint a “masterpiece”, learning is fun! The children soon develop a sense of confidence in their abilities are reading to take on new challenges. They learn to make decisions and to accept responsibilities. If, during these most formative years, children build an eagerness to learn and grow in all developmental areas, then the groundwork is set. The children are successfully prepared to take the next step in their education.