
As in Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten, the experiences children have in the early primary years continue to mold their attitudes to learning and provide the basic skills and impetus for their continuing education. The programme in the primary grades combines a creative and stimulating, yet structured and disciplined environment, allowing students to grow and develop at their own pace. We thrive to provide students with successful experiences which are intended to bolster their self-confidence and self-esteem, and to motivate them to achieve to the best of their abilities.

The curriculum closely follows the Nigerian and British curriculum guidelines, and stresses the educational basics, building strong foundations in reading, writing and arithmetic. Using a variety of resources and approaches, the curriculum also includes environmental studies, art, drama, music and physical education. In all subject areas there is a strong emphasis on creating practical and hands-on activites which enhance the theoretical aspects of the subject. Computers are used as an educational resource, and special events, fields trips and extracurricular activities round out the programme.